Security warning: Couldn't write .htaccess file. Please create a .htaccess file in your XXX directory which contains the following lines: XXX

Error Type: 
Drupal Core

When Drupal creates new directories on the filesystem it attempts to output a .htacess file into that directory. The reason it does this is to maintain a secure Drupal installation.

Some webserver configurations make it possible to view all of the files in a directory, which can present a security risk. The .htaccess file that Drupal attempts to write to directories is designed to switch of this behaviour so that your webserver does not leak data that you do not intend it to.


Our aim is to add enough detailed information to each of the Drupal error messages that Drupal developers will be able to fix their own problems. This exercise will take some time to complete, at the last count we had almost 700 error messages in the system.

If your site is suffering from this error message please contact us and ask us to expedite the solution to this error and we will do our best to add a solution as soon as possible.