The Views module contains a sub-module called Views UI, which provides the user interface through which site administrators manage their Views. Since Drupal is a multi user CMS there could be a danger that if one user were editing a View at the same time as another user one of those users could lose their work if it got overwritten by their colleague.
To guard against saving conflicts when managing Views, the Viws UI module sets a flag ($view->locked) when a user starts to edit a View. When this flag is set no other user can edit the View until the flag is removed.
The "locked" flag can be remvoed using any of the following techniques:
- The user who was responsible for setting the "locked" flag can save their changes to the view.
- The user who was responsible for setting the "locked" flag can save their cancel their changes to the view.
- The user who is not able to edit the view can choose to explicitly break the lock, but they become responsible for the possible loss of data caused to the other user who can no longer save their changes.