
I don't find a lot of time to get on the tools these days and sometimes I miss getting into code. Recent projects have seen me focus on strategy, architecture, data and systems integration. Despite that I am comfortable describing myself as an expert in Drupal 7, having spent years giving the D7 codebase a forensic examination. However, despite Drupal 8.0.0 being released three years ago on November 19, 2015 I have not yet looked at a single line of code or even taken in a demo of its feature set.

Today that changes.

Last updated: Friday, December 7, 2018 - 12:40

Drush has a great feature that allows you to limit the data that will be exported when you dump a database. Using this feature you can pull the schema for the entire database while specifying tables who's data you wish to ignore. This can substantially reduce the time it takes to complete an sync operation, especially the time spent importing the DB on the target.

Last updated: Friday, April 14, 2017 - 14:13